Engineered Objects
Rusty tools, abandoned sheds, even a lone apple box – each whispers a story of a time gone by and usefulness no longer needed.
My passion extends beyond the utilitarian, capturing the essence of forgotten eras personified by antique pocket watches and neglected objects.
Inspired by a workshop I attended with David Poxon, I invite you to explore these watercolours and hopefully discover the beauty hidden in the lost, damaged or broken.
Engineered Objects

Rusty tools, abandoned sheds, even a lone apple box – each whispers a story of a time gone by and usefulness no longer needed.
My passion extends beyond the utilitarian, capturing the essence of forgotten eras personified by antique pocket watches and neglected objects. Inspired by a workshop I attended with David Poxon, I invite you to explore these watercolours and hopefully discover the beauty hidden in the lost, damaged or broken.